Monday, February 13, 2017

CBD for Allergies

Allergies are something that millions of people experience. Between pollen, ragweed, and the like, these symptoms can get super annoying, and it can make you sneeze a lot, make you suffer from congestion, noses that itch, and sore throats, and it’s something that’s not fun to deal with. A lot of people try to use antihistamines to help with this, but did you know that CBD may be the answer you’re looking for. Let’s find out. 

How CBD is an antihistamine, and anti-inflammatory 

According to a study in 2005, it was found that CBD may be used to modulate the effects of the cells within your immune system and the respiratory system, and it’s something that definitely was anti-inflammatory, and it’s better for suppressing your immune system. The context of this is that it can help with reducing the inflammatory aspects of the mast cells, and it can be a potential agent for reducing inflammation in a person. 

When allergies get at the worst levels, it’s definitely a sign that you’re dealing with inflammation. You may see the tissue inflamed near the throat, nose, and the mouth, and this can help to reduce it. Those cannabis concentrates that are high in the CBD aspects of this can definitely help with reducing irritation that happens in the body. you may want to stick to edibles, vaping, tinctures and capsules though, since some people who smoke weed may notice a bit of irritation. 

Terpenes for allergies 

There are also other parts to this, and that is terpenes. According to a study done in 2009 on mice, it was found that when you administered pinene, a terpene that you find in cannabis, it actually can help with bronchodilation, inflammation and controlling it, along with relaxing results for the muscles, which is great for allergy relief that’s seasonal. Pinene is the best one for this, since it also helps with your memory too, but if you pain, you may want to consider linalool. Limonene is good for acid reflux and acne, which for those who have dry skin, they may want to use this. 

Beta-caryophyllene is another good one for inflammation, but this one is more bodily, and it may help with pain in the nervous system, fibrosis, along with protecting the stomach. If you need to relax the muscles and reduce inflammation, you also might want to consider myrcene too, but this is definitely a strong, earthy one that you’ll find in indica strains of the marijuana plant. 

The big thing to understand here is that CBD is something that does work well for allergies, especially those which are seasonal. Since it’s something that the body does as a response, and it’s an immune reaction, the best way to treat this is to make sure that you use something that helps to curb the problem. Eve based on anecdotes, this works, but there are clinical trials that show that the evidence is something that’s convincing, and for someone wo wants to get rid of the symptoms of allergies, this is great, and it has a great role for this. Cannabis is not the immediate relief out there, but if you want to make allergies better, this is something to consider, as it’s something simple, yet effective for allergy treatments too. 

If you have allergies, it’s no joke, and it’s not fun, but with these different cannabis and CBD products, you’ll be able to find something that works for you, to offer prime allergy relief that’s good for you, and from there, you can find something that will help you get the right results.

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