How Cannabis Can Help with PTSD

 For a lot of people who deal with PTSD, also known as post-traumatic stress disorder, there are a lot of ways to cope with the issues that come with this. Whether it be medication, psychotherapy, or other means, there are also alternative types of means to help with this type of situation, especially insomnia, anxiety, and depression. 

What PTSD Is 

PTSD is a condition and disorder that involves you witnessing different events, including natural disasters, accidents, combat, wars, and even violent assaults. 

With PTSD becoming more discussed by a lot of people, especially in the media that's there, many are looking for solutions and help for this.

Those who suffer from this condition struggle with eliminating the memories as they go about their daily lives, including going to school, work, and even being around others. Anger, and other behaviors that are reckless also might be symptoms too. While it is debilitating, there are treatments that you can get, and after you get diagnosed, you can get help. 

Current Treatments 

Right now, the current treatments that come with this include talk therapy, and medications for the most part.

Talk therapy, otherwise known as psychotherapy, is where patients meet professionals to discuss different ways to combat PTSD side effects. They can include working on different skills such as managing anger, helping with relaxing, and providing tips to help with this.

The other way is medication, which is usually in the form of antidepressants to help with the worry, sadness, and even anger that comes with this, and there are even patients that have medications to help with fatigue, nausea, and the like.

However, some are turning to medical cannabis as a valid form of treatment.

Can Cannabis Help? 

It can. 

Using cannabis to treat PTSD is still very new though, but there is some research which has looked at the use and delivery of the cannabinoids to there, and also activating the endogenous receptors for cannabinoids, which is also a controlling neurotransmitter that’s responsible for a lot of CNS side effects that come with this too, including managing pleasure, and also handling the memory processing. This is something that offers a rationale to use cannabinoids for treating this. 

That’s because usually PTSD comes in the form of three Clusters:  re-experiencing, avoiding and numbing, followed by hyperarousal. This is something that does need to be further researched, since it’ll help with the symptoms, and some patients have also said that through the use of cannabis, they’ve managed their coping in a healthier manner. 

So yes, it can be a useful way to help others. Some have found that they can sleep better too through the use of cannabis, which is why a lot of people will use cannabis to cope with the insomnia that they feel.

If you do want to consider using medical cannabis in states that you’re at, and have PTSD, the best way to discuss this is through your doctor, as they can talk to you about the best way to consume it, and what type of dosage that’s there, since some people do better with smaller dosages. 

The beauty of medical cannabis is that it’s easier than ever to get for people, and with more and more states legalizing marijuana to be used to treat a variety of conditions, it’s obvious that through the health and wellness that you’re dealing with, you’ll be able to, with this, create the best experience that you can, and ultimately create a good sort of reasoning to help you improve your symptoms without much harm done too. 

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